There are MANY ways to lose weight.
Let’s look at the difference between FAST weight loss and REAL weight loss because there is a difference.
FAST weight loss doesn’t typically last. It’s band-aid, a moment in time, a finish line.
It’s a data point that makes you think everything has changed, all your troubles are resolved (band-aid), when in reality, the number on your scale does not mean your health/mood/energy/sleep has improved.
It’s often the result of extreme and uncomfortable changes that were never intended to be long-term (finish line).
It’s a PUSH or SLOG to a specific bathroom scale goal – X lbs. (moment in time).
Real weight loss is the result of overall health change which means its long lasting. There is no finish line.
Leet me give you a quick comparison story to better illustrate the differences between FAST & REAL weight loss.
Common Gaol, Different Approach
Andrea and Diane have many things in common,
- Over 50
- Empty Nester
- Active – walking, sometimes yoga, the gym a few days a week
- Not a lot of Processed Foods
- Want to lose about 25 lbs.
- Not sleeping well
- Moody
- Tired during the day
- Always Hungry
- Crave sugary/carby foods
- Feeling Bloated/Puffy not unusual
- Headaches sometimes Migraines
- Lost weight in the past with Restrictive Diet
- Always regain the weight
Here’s where things get interesting…
Andrea is done with the restrictive, unsustainable dieting. She’s not in a hurry. She wants figure out what her body needs, she wants to feel good. Weight loss would be a wonderful bonus but for Andrea it’s all about feeling her best. She’s done with the uncomfortable bloating, headaches, lack of sleep, mood swings, uncontrollable hunger and cravings.
Diane, on the other hand, has a cousins wedding coming up. She needs to drop 25 lbs. fast. She’ll do whatever it takes to fit into the fabulous cocktail dress she’s been dying to wear. She’s willing to suffer for her success as long as it’s fast!
Andrea decides to join the Hangry to Healthy program. She wants to figure her body out. She wants to understand what’s going on. She is already eating right and exercising so why doesn’t she feel and look the way she thinks she should?? Why is she carrying extra weight and really not feeling great??
Diane, looks up the newest fad diet on the internet. She uses a calculator to dial in her macros. All looks good but her calories seem really low, like really low but if that’s what the calculator says she’s in!
Andrea has swapped out the most common inflammatory foods for other delicious and surprisingly filling foods. Foods she often ate but just not as often as other foods. She’s noticing that she’s feeling good, better than she has in a long time. She’s no longer puffy. Her appetite is under control. She’s actually a bit shocked that such a simple shift in food choices could make such a difference.
She’s no longer constantly hungry or thinking about food all the time. Her energy is starting to pick up and she’s actually sleeping! She’s also lost a few pounds without really trying.
Diane, is really hungry. She misses her favorite foods but it’s o.k. because once she hits her goal she can celebrate with all her favs. She’s lost almost 10 lbs. already so it won’t be too much longer. Her hair and skin feel really dry and look dull, she’s not sleeping well, she’s having more headaches than usual and has a really short fuse but her clothes are fitting better so all is good.
Andrea is giddy! She feels amazing. Her energy is way up and her sleep has never been better. Her whole body feels good. She’s not puffy. Her headaches have all but disappeared. The aches and pains she thought were part of aging are hardly noticeable. She only eats 2-3 times a day when she notices that she’s hungry. She’s not craving sugar or crappy, carb treats. People are telling her she looks great. She’s noticing positive change. Her clothes are fitting even better and she’s not even ‘dieting’.
She’s excited to move into phase 2 of the Hangry to Healthy program and learn how to manager her macros: proteins, carbs & fats so she can start to really dial in how she wants her body to look – more lean mass, less fat mass. She’s not so focused on the scale because she knows it’s not about weight loss it’s about fat loss and she finally understands how to help her body release the excess fat!
Diane, she is so ready for this diet to be over! The wedding can’t come soon enough. She just wants to put the dress on and get the whole thing over with. She’s about to hit her weight loss goal and the dress fits! It’s not comfortable but at least it zips. She’s happy about the dress and her successful weight loss. She’s not super thrilled with how she looks naked but whatever, the dress is fabulous.
Diane is happy to finally be done with her diet. She’s going to use the wedding as her opportunity to celebrate. Bring on the champagne and cake!
Andrea is moving in phase 3 of the Hangry to Healthy program and thinking long-term. She realizes there isn’t a finish line. She is connected to her body and feels really, really good. She knows what and how to eat to feel her best. She’s shocked at how much she’s changed in 3 months. Her relationship with herself and her relationship with food has totally change. She feels empowered!
She realizes that everything she now does supports the health and body she wants. She doesn’t fear any food. It’s all about choice and she realizes that she naturally (mostly) chooses foods and daily actions that make her feel her best.
Her body shift has really started to ramp up. Her energy is so good she WANTS to move her body. Exercise is fun, not a punishment to lose weight. She’s eating delicious food. She’s not suffering with hunger or cravings. She knows how to work with her body. She’s not worried about eating when out with friends, or going to parties. She knows how to work with her body even when she makes choices that aren’t the best. She’s enjoying her life and excited about what the future will bring!
Diane is back to her old ways. She’s eating her favorite foods. She’s frustrated because she sees the scale starting to climb. She thought for sure this was the last time she’d have to lose the weight. She’s tired of dieting. She’s been doing it her whole life and it always seems harder and harder to get the weight off. The plan was to celebrate her success but then stay on track and keep the weight off. It’s just so hard. She’s so hungry. Every few days she ends up in a mini fav food binge. Her fabulous dress is too tight and has been pushed to the back of the closet with her other favorite pieces that don’t fit.
Did that story help clarify the difference between Fast and Real??
What thoughts came up for you?
Did you feel that boulder that Andrea had been pushing up hill forever filling crested and start to roll down?
That’s what happens when you know how to layout the path you want to follow and then allow time to be your ally. You stop pushing and shoving and let your body actually help you achieve your goals.
Based on the thoughts and feelings this story generated, what action are you likely take?
If Andrea’s story sounded intriguing and the idea of getting what you want by giving your body what it needs seems like a plan you can get behind then please schedule a time to hop on a call with me.

I’m Amy a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified functional nutritionist and lifestyle practitioner and certified Life Coach. I help women in midlife understand the changing needs of their body so that they can stop dieting and lose weight permanently. At 56 I live what I teach. Don’t believe the story that your best years are behind you. They are not. Your best years are just starting!