What's going on in there?

If you're ready to start figuring out 'what's going on in there' then this is the tool for you. The Food-Mood-Poop journal will help you collect the data you need to start seeing patterns between what you eat and how you feel so that you can finally eat AND feel good!

Have you ever connect the food dots?

  • A headache after you finish eating?
  • Feeling exhausted and needing a nap after a good meal?
  • A belly ache followed by an emergency run to the bathroom?
  • Feeling great and having tons of energy to get things done?
  • Sugar cravings hitting hard after certain foods?
  • Does stress or anxiety seem to come and go?

How does food make you feel?

It's not just about the bad stuff, it's about the good stuff too. You want to know what doesn't work AND what does work. Which foods are working against your body and which foods are working for your body, that's the question.

Don't forget about poop!

What goes in is important but so is what comes out. Are you often constipated? Do you suffer with IBS-D, as in diarrhea? What could be causing this? If you're tracking your Food-Mood and Poop you are one step closer to figuring this out.

Get Started Now


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